Thank you for donating
Thank you for donating! Lifesong Kenya hugely depend on individuals and organizations that believe and support its programs and activities. Thank you for subscribing for our news, updates!
By becoming part of the Lifesong Kenya family, you will help us to create long-lasting impact in the lives of exceptional young men and their families.
Your support and donation will enable us to provide support to boys and exceptional young men who need help the most. This will help incarcerated male teens to gain skills they need, heal and reconcile with their families, the people and the people they’ve hurt.
It will also provide support for male teens at our transitional housing before they can reintegrate back into the community. Lastly, we will be able to support male teens in our After-School Program.
Here are more ways you can get involved further.
Give Monthly
Give monthly and help us to have consistent donations that will sustain our programs throughout the year.
Help us to achieve more impact by volunteering your skills, expertise and knowledge.
Be An Ambassador
Help us to gain more visibility by using your influence on social media and in your community.