Sexual assault against boys and men is happening, much more than is perhaps reported or mentioned. This is due to the fact that – according to popular opinion and societal norms – it is girls and women who face sexual abuse and assault. 

Sexual assault against boys and men
Lifesong Kenya develops exceptional young men who will treat women and girls with dignity, respect and honor

Sexual Assault Against Boys and Men

With women and girls being the most targets of crime, offense and conflict, our main aim is to develop boys and exceptional young men who will treat women and girls with dignity, respect and honor.

We empower first time offenders to learn the harm of conflict, offense and crime, so they can have the power to take full responsibility and be able to make amends for the harm caused.

Once this happens, we move to the next step which involves family, the police and the person who has been hurt, offended or wronged.

When our exceptional young men take full responsibility for their mistakes, their families, the police and people who have been wronged often offer to withdraw court cases, allowing our exceptional young men to exit prison with valuable lessons learned.

Despite an explosion of research on the issue over recent decades, most research reported in the literature is focused on girls. There is significantly less attention given to boys, and, in fact, prior to 1980 it is difficult to find any research involving males who have been sexually abused.

Jan L. Frayne

What Are We Doing About Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault against boys and men is happening, much more than is perhaps reported or mentioned. This is due to the fact that – according to popular opinion and societal norms – it is girls and women who face sexual abuse and assault.

Even though boys and men who have been sexually assaulted experience many of the same effects and reactions as other survivors of sexual assault, they also face additional challenges due to stereotypes and attitudes about men and masculinity.

Apart from teaching exceptional young men to treat women and girls with dignity, respect and honor, we are planning to offer shelter for boys and young men who have been sexually assaulted through our transitional housing program.

We are also working towards having cases of sexual assault against boys reported through our After-School and Standing With Boys programs. We have also started collaborating with groups and organizations that work with women and girls in order to have more impact on girls and boys.

I believe that sexual assault against both girls (women) and boys (men) is an issue that calls for pulling together in the same direction and working together.

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