We are currently feeding families in response to COVID-19. Each week, our team pays for supplies at local shops, vegetable sellers and kerosene vendors in the community where our beneficiaries reside. In this post titled Teacher Noella | Why the Food Care Package is Unique, we learn why budgeting is important. But first, watch the video below.

Why Budgeting is Important

Noella | Why Budgeting is Important

The video above was recorded when we visited Teacher Noella recently. Here is something else that she shared with us.

“I have noted that Lifesong Kenya doesn’t just come in and help,” she said. “They first sit down with families so they can budget with the family together. They also help the family to budget for the basic things the family needs.

“The budgeting part is very important because it helps parents to learn budgeting for basic things,” she continued. “Some of the time, many families just buy things anyhow and end up spending a lot. But when the whole family sits down and budgets, they learn how to budget and decide things together as a family.”

Teacher Noella grows her own vegetables and has an explanation for this. 

“Right now, vegetables are very expensive and most parents are finding it hard to buy everything they need for their families. Vegetables are eaten every day and if you don’t grow your own vegetables you end up spending most of your money.

“Since my family spends a lot on buying onions, tomatoes and vegetables, I decided to grow my own vegetables,” she explained. “I would also like to encourage most mothers to grow their own vegetables. Not only will this help them, it will also ensure that Lifesong Kenya has enough to share with other needy families.”

It costs Kshs. 1,000 ($10) per week to feed a family. Giving $40 could feed a whole family for one month. Help put food on the table of one family today.

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